Downtown Overlay Zones
Downtown Overlay Zones
Downtown Overlay Zones
Downtown Overlay Zones

The Village of Hempstead
Community Development Agency
Home Energy assistance
program (heap)
Helps income eligible people pay the cost of heating their homes
*Senior Citizens* Nassau County phone: (516) 227-7386
Emergency Nassau County phone: (516) 227-1482
Nassau County phone: (516) 565-4327
In Person: Nassau County Department of Social Services Uniondale, 60 Charles Lindbergh Blvd - Phone:(516) 227-8519​
Heap Resources for non-citizens
Non-Citizen Eligibility Desk Aid:
Home Energy Assistance Program Qualified Alien:
NYS HEAP cooling assistance component (CAC)
Provides for the purchase and installation of air conditioners or fans for individuals with documented medical condition that is exacerbated by extreme heat.
Contact Consumer Advocates for more information.
nys heap heating equipment
repair/ replacement benefit (herr)
Nassau County HEAP Office
Phone: (516) 565-4327