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Housing Initiatives

The Village of Hempstead Community Development Agency has launched and expanded several housing initiatives to promote neighborhood stabilization and long-term affordable housing for current and future village residents.  


​Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)



Community Development Block Grants, enable community members to carry out a wide range of community development activities that are directed towards improving community facilities and services, revitalizing neighborhoods, and increasing economic development.



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DownTown overlay zone 

The Downtown Overlay Zone (“DOZ”) provides an expedited and coordinated review of development proposals prior to formal submission to the Inc. Village of Hempstead Planning Board (“Planning Board”). The DOZ Site Plan Review process includes two pre-submission conferences to assist the applicant with Site Plan/Subdivision approval process before submission of the full application to the Planning Board.


sign and awning program

The Village of Hempstead Community Development Agency has launched and expanded a “Reimbursement Grant” to cover half the cost of a new sign and or awning up to $5,000.00 per business.  

ContacT US

50 Clinton St, Suite 504,

Hempstead, NY 11550

Tel : (516) 485-5737

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